All posts by Robert Jones

Foot print in the sand

Trademark Registration in Australia

When starting a new business, it is true to say that many people do not consider trademark registration as a priority. Unfortunately, another company could register a trademark for the business name you are currently trading under. From then, that name is owned by the other company and could prevent you from trading under the same name again. Contact us if you want to trademark any of your products. Besides, here are a few more reasons to trademark your business name.


Reasons to Trademark

Protect your business and brand: your trademark can be a valuable asset to yourzigzag road business, no matter its size. To become recognizable in the market, you need a unique trademark and business name to go together with your reputation. You need to protect your intellectual property. After successfully registering your trademark, you will gain the exclusive rights to use it in connection with the products or services your company offers. The only way to gain these rights is by registering your trademark. Trademark registration will help protect your business assets and ensure you are the exclusive owner of your business name, logo and your other belongings in the country and around the world.


Stop others from using your brand: once you register your trademark, you eradicate the risk of your market competitors using your exact business name and its associated symbols. Your trademark gives you the right to sue your competitors for damages in case of infringement. When you have a registered trademark, you are able to prevent your competitors from using a similar or a confusingly similar mark.

Legal protection: your trademark offers legal protection against copying or using your business name or brand. The registered trademark symbol ® means that it can only be utilized with regard to the registered trademark.

Many smart business owners see trademark registration as a way to “insure” their business name, logo, company name and intellectual property. The peace of mind you get from knowing you have a registered trademark is truly worth the investment.

The Trademark Registration Process

Before applying for trademark registration, it is important to carry out a thorough investigation to ensure the trademark you are interested in is actually available. Therefore, the first step is to carry out a comprehensive search to make sure you can truly use that trademark.

The Registration Process

The entire registration process takes time and can be complicated when it comes to its requirements. A trademark registration expert will spend time with you and gather all the resources needed to ensure everything is done right the first time.


Question mark iconWhile trademark registration is considered to be costly, it doesn’t have to be. The costs of not safeguarding your business name, logo, brand and intellectual property can easily surpass the costs of registering a trademark in the first place. Imagine the costs of losing an asset or investment simply because you cannot get peace of mind that registration guarantees. Imagine the costs of rebranding because someone thinks you are infringing their trademark rights or the legal implications of having to fight such an allegation in a court of law.…

tragus pierced

Facts To Know About Tragus Piercing

If you want to get your tragus pierced, you may have several questions that are unanswered. This is a unique piercing, which has been in a special style for some time. Moreover, it is a piercing, which can be covered up or hidden when necessary. Before undergoing this procedure, you need to know where to get the exact location of your tragus on your ear. Other things to know include the complete process, how long it takes to heal and whether infections can occur.

Where is my Tragus?pierced tragus

You can find your tragus on the outer ear. You should note that it is part of the cartilage, which is located outside your ear canal. It is just in front of the concha, which is a very popular piercing spot. It plays an important role in helping your brain sense rear vs. front sound sources.

The process

Before undergoing this process, you need to be concerned with what tragus piercing procedure involves. This is because it is thicker cartilage skin. Moreover, this process requires more pressure than regular ear piercing.

The expert will show you how to lie down properly. After this, he or she will clean the area and place the cork in the ear canal. This is necessary to avoid damage. A straight or curved hollow needle is used to carry out the procedure. Once the process is complete, the expert will attach appropriate tragus jewelry.

Even though it is a thick part of skin, you will not experience painful piercing if the procedure is done by a trained and qualified person. Just like any other piercing, you will experience some stinging and pinch. However, this pain is relatively low. Ensure only a professional pierces your tragus. This process should not be done at home.

us Piercing Care

You neeEar peircingd to take care of the tragus piercing until it completely heals. You should note that proper care is needed and leads to successful piercing. Moreover, it shortens the time of healing. If the procedure is not done correctly, your piercing may migrate, get rejected, or even become infected.

The good thing about this type of piercing is that it is the low-maintenance procedure. Ensure you clean it regularly and adjust it to a minimum of twice every day. You should clean hands and clean the piercing and adjacent areas using a cotton ball with saline solution. Doing this on a routine basis will help you avoid infection. Moreover, you should be on the lookout for signs of infection and other irregularities.…

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“A tasty inside-Hollywood satire…raucously funny and irreverent…a delicious sen dup of the roaring egos on display in show business…Chess has the mature sensuality of the best European actresses.”
Stephen Farber, Movie line’s Hollywood Life

“A fresh and funny film about marriage, career, life in Hollywood and the power of theater. I thoroughly enjoyed it.”
Leonard Maltin, Hot Ticket

“A Sweetheart of a movie……Very funny and Touching”
Bridget Byrne, Box Office Magazine, May issue
Read what the Movie Critics are saying about Frankie and Johnny Are Married. Read the Rave Review by PeteBrainerer in New York Magazine and Kevin Thomas in the Los Angeles Times. More
New Talk About The Movie Forum
Talk to Alan Rosenberg, Michael Pressman and Lisa Chess about the movie. Express your feelings, thoughts, and questions.
They will answer you.

Click Here to go to the forum.
Lisa Chess Talks about making the film, acting and marriage
An interview with Lisa Chess in which she talks about working with her husband, Director Michael Pressman, separating fact from fiction and shooting a movie in her own here
And the winner is . . .
Montreal Film Festival – Official Selection
Ft. Lauderdale Film Festival *WinneRenaissancece Award
AFFIXFI Fest, Los Angeles – Official Selection
Ashland Film Festival *Winner Acting Ensemble Award
Finalist – Best Picture, Finalist- Best Cinematography
The Wine Country Film Festival – Official Selection
Seattle Film Festival – Official Selection
Sarasota Film Festival – Official Selection
The Other Venice Film Festival – Winner Best Picture
For More detailed information on film festivals Click Here

What does this Romantic Comedy have in common with The Graduate and Rocky?
The answer may only be known to trailer Buffs. The skill of making trailers is an art in its own right, and we were lucky to have the talent of one of the greatest, who’s work is associated with some of the biggest movie hits from the late 60’s through the ’90’s. click here and learn more
Hollywood pro shoots MinDIVDV
A personal film about Making Movies and Television, producing a play, saving a marriage and much more. To find out what Michael Pressman has to say about making a digital movies. click here
Jacek Lasksus, A.S.C.
Talks about shooting an Independent Movie with the new Panasonic 24P MiniDV camera. More
Final Cut Pro goes to Hollywood
Film Editor, Jeff Freeman chose Final Cut Pro to edit Frankie and Johnny are Married. . . .More
From Low Budget Features
to Series Television and Back
Producer Alice West uses her series television experience to produce to a small budget personal movie and it brings her back to her roots . . . More…

Clean living room

Tom Dixon Pendant : The Lighting Designer

Tom Dixon pendant is among the designer lighting that you get from replica lights. The tom dixon is one of the famous designers of fantastic lighting. If you want to have a touch of the best lamps, then here are just some of the pendant lights that you can buy. They are available in different prices, sizes, and color.


Replica Tom Dixon Beat shade tall black pendant

If you want to have great lighting in your home, office, restaurant or café on a budget, Chandelierthen this pendant light should be your pick. You can buy the Tom Dixon Beat shade tall back pendant at only $115. You can use it together with the other beat series for a stunning look. Go for the black or gold color and get the best lighting at your home. Get a 12 months warranty with every purchase.

Replica Tom Dixon Beat shade stout white pendant large

The beat shade white pendant light has a sandy texture and matte look. It has an unbeaten interior that is different from the other series of beat lamps. This stout white pendant light is great on its own but will look outstanding when used with beat wide, beat fat and beat tall. You can use it to enhance the interior decor in restaurants, home furnishing, retail shops, office, and café. The other Tom Dixon series you can buy is the beat stout black.

Replica Tom Dixon Beat shade wide pendant lamp black

The Tom Dixon Beat shade wide pendant offers you with an affordable lighting option. It is similar to the beat shade ample light. It is truly an original design that enhances the light in your home. You can use it on its own, but you can also combine it with beat tall, beat fat and beat wide for a great look. You can use it at the offices, cafes, retail shops, and home furnishing. You can get it in two different colors; the copper interior and the black exterior.

Replica Tom Dixon blow mirror pendant lights

Light bulb with mirrorTom Dixon blow mirror pendant was first introduced in London during the design festival. The main purpose of this light was to enable the public embrace the use of energy saving bulbs. The inspiration comes from an ordinary bulb. This pendant lighting has a mirror like and reflective finish. The bottom shade is made of a third of clear glass. You can choose to buy the black ceiling cap or the mirror chrome depending on your taste.…


How to Choose the Best Ohio Real Estate Attorneys?

Hiring Ohio real estate attorneys is a huge responsibility. A real estate transaction often implies that a huge amount of money is involved. This can be quite perturbing for many people. If you are planning to buy, rent or sell a real estate property, but don’t navigate the waters alone, you need legal help. A reliable real estate attorney will address your concerns and answer all your questions about any real estate transaction.

If you are living in Ohio and are looking for a real estate attorney, here are a few factors you should consider:

Experience of the Ohio real estate lawyer

People in the court roomChoose Ohio real estate attorneys with vast experience in the industry. Not only should the person you pick have experience as a lawyer, but should be experienced in handling all kinds and levels of real estate transactions. Your real estate attorney should be experienced in various kinds of real estate law, including purchase agreements, sales agreements, liens, discrimination, duel ownership and landlord disputes, to mention but a few.


Good Ohio real estate attorneys should have the necessary skills to handle any kind of real estate issues that might arise. A skilled attorney will be familiar with your case, guide you through the entire process comfortably, and help deliver the results you desire.


Don’t be shy to ask your attorney for examples or references of their past work and cases they have handled in the past. If their previews clients are satisfied with their work, the chances are high that you will also be happy with their services.

Level of Responsiveness

Whether or not an attorney promptly returns your call is another important consideration. One of the main complaints that people have about their attorneys is the attorney’s failure or inability to return their calls promptly. In addition to evaluating an attorney’s level of responsiveness, find out whether they have handled any cases involving the kind of property you are looking to buy.

People on the street


These days, the minimum rate for a lawyer who understands what they are doing can be significant. However, there must be some flexibility in the rate, as in many real estate transactions, issues can arise – whether it involves the financier, the property, a disagreement between the parties or unexpected closing delays. Be sure to ask the lawyer to tell you the rate and whether it’s hourly or fixed. If they charge an hourly rate, ask for the approximate total fee? If fixed, you should find out what services are offered. Request for an engagement agreement/letter that describes all that in detail.

If you are in Ohio and are looking for a skilled and experienced real estate attorney, make sure you consider the above factors in making your selection. Now that you know what to consider, it’s time to hire the right attorney to help you navigate the real estate process.…

Kids playing video games

What is elo boost

ELO boosting is the another name of MMR Boosting i.e. Match Making Rating. To understand the cheapest elo boost is better,  is important to know what is the ELO ranking and the history.

History and ELO Ranking

ELO ranking was made by the Hungarian chess player and it’s named after him i.e. Arpad Elo. It was created to calculate the skills of the players of the game especially those games which involved the single player. The result from ELO ranking was amazing but for the games with the single player, not the multi-players. In fact, it was a complete failure for the games involving multiple teams.

ELO Boosting

laptop computerTo overcome the failure, the ELO ranking was replaced by ELO boosting which was specially designed to solve the problems of the games involving teams and multiple players. With the passage of time, ELO system has improved even more and high ranking can be obtained in the game after it is used.

The exact definition of ELO Boosting is the act where the Booster uses the account of the Booster to play any popular or ranked game. Booster is the player who logs into the account of other and the Booster is the player whose account has been used for logging in and playing the game.

The intention of the booster may not be bad and he might do it for the improvement of ELO ranking, but it is considered as boosting because that ranked game is not played by someone who created that account. The booster may deserve punishment for the act of using someone’s account. When ELO boost is purchased, it results in ordering to have a professional master who can boost up your rank in the League as per your demand.

Is ELO boosting wrong

ELO boosting may be a victimless offend, but it affects the other players in a negative way. It also affects the game.

To Make high ranking in the game, the players put their efforts and hard work. ELO boosting demoralizes the other players and effect their right to be among the top most players of the game.

It also jeopardizes the security of the account of the player. The information each account may have is confidential as sharing the details may make the account vulnerable. The Booster may sale or trade or misuse the account and the information of the Boostie.

Punishment for ELO Boosting

Kid playing on a laptopTo punish the users of the ELO boosting, different actions may be taken e.g. suspension of the account for a week, dismissal of participating any current season or cancellation of all previous Ranked accounts and permanent ban on the account if it is suspected twice for ELO boosting.…

Walkie-Talkie on its charger

Guide To Buying The Best Walkie-Talkie

The Internet has greatly changed the way we do business. Buyers and sellers from different parts of the world connect with each other and make transactions. Gone are the days when it was a seller’s market. These days buyers are bombarded with so many choices and offer that it becomes very difficult to choose the right one
Walkie talkies are handheld radio devices that help in communication between a transmitter and one or more receivers.

It was initially designed to be used during the Second World War and in recent times have found their place in a lot of fields alike. Police departments, firefighters, airports, railway networks, manufacturing industries, mining fields, hotels, resorts, trekkers, family trips, event management firms, etc.

Choosing the right category

There can be three basic categories when it comes to choosing a Sets of Walkie-Talkiewalkie talkie Recreational/amateur purpose. If you are looking to buy a walkie talkie for fun or use inside your house talking to friends and family, the basic models will do. There is no point spending extra money on features that may not be of use, click here to find the best walkie-talkies.

In this article, you will learn some critical considerations that you need to make before buying one.

Commercial purpose

This is the next higher end and can be put to use in a variety of fields and businesses. They are sturdy, have a longer communication range when compared to the first variety and can work in multiple channels.

Professional ones

These are Walkie-Talkiebest suited for extremely hard conditions and terrains and are tested to work in temperatures from -10
degree to 50 degrees, withstand a fall from a height of 10 meters and adhere to Military standards. They cost more than the first two categories but are 100% reliable for the armed forces and other demanding tasks.

Communication range

Do not get enticed by brands talking about communication ranges of even 12-15 Km. A good walkie talkie like the TaIkPRO from Icon Wireless is good walkie talkie dealers they can offer 3-4 km of clear communication with a power of 7.0 Watt. Most online varieties offer a mere 0.5 Watt device, and this will be of absolutely no use once bought.


Check the type of battery that comes with the device. A good Li-Poly or Li-ion battery is preferable, and any lesser quality will affect the device life.


Every walkie talkie needs to work on a particular bandwidth. Make sure your device is licensed to work in the government approved bandwidth of 350 MHz. TaIkPRO is a good example of this Most devices work on free bandwidth offering the very poor signal range or works on the prohibited 400MHz, which is illegal.…

Coffee grinder

The Best Coffee Grinders at

A coffee grinder is just as important as your coffee maker. Grinding coffee allows the water to absorb the water-soluble components responsible for the wonderful flavor in your coffee. There is nothing wrong with buying ground coffee but for flavorful coffee every single time, a burr mill is a vital product. The review about the Breville Bes920XL is the most honest review that you would find around.

Coffee starts to go stale as soon as it is ground. The size of the grind also matters. Without the right size of coffee grains, the result can be quite the disaster. Too big a grain and the water just passes through while finely ground coffee makes quite the mess.



There are different preferences, and you may wish yours ground finely or coarse. The coffee beans inside the coffee grindercoffee grinder allows you to make a customized grind depending on the type of coffee and your brewing method. The better the coffee grinder, the better the quality if the coffee that will be brewed.

Making a choice on what coffee grinder to take home can be quite puzzling especially with the flooded market. For your fresh cup of morning goodness, you will need to buy a good quality coffee grinder. This post covers three top-quality coffee grinders available online.

BaratzaVario-W 986 Coffee Grinder

Rated 9.1 out of 10, this coffee grinder takes the crown. It is made of high-quality material for durability, and ease when handling and cleaning. It has perfect grind quality for the best ground coffee. BaratzaVario-W 986 is an excellent coffee grinder to match the coffee maker of your choice for a flavorful cup of coffee. It may be a little pricey at $559, but it is worth every penny.

Rancilio Rocky Coffee Grinder

At 8.4 out of 10, the Rancilio Rocky coffee grinder is the editor’s choice. It is available for sale at Amazon at $365. It has a superior finishing made to last for years. Rancilio is known for high-quality products for professional use. This is the ultimate product for a coffee enthusiast as it combines functionality and beauty for a modern kitchen. Crafted of tempered steel, the grind plates are marvelous for superb coffee.

Baratza 485 Encore Coffee Grinder

cup of coffeeComing third is the Baratza 485 Encore coffee grinder which has an acceptable grinder for its price range. You can purchase this grinder for $132.95 which is quite affordable for a grinder. You don’t have to break the bank with this brand. It is a solidly built grinder which will last long. It has hardened steel blades and an improved gearbox for durability.…

Man using a computer

What to Look for Gaming Mouse – A Buyers Guide

When shopping for gaming accessories for your computer, a gaming mouse is one accessory that should be on your shopping list. When buying gaming mice, there are certain features you should before making your final verdict. Some of the features are obvious whereas others are not always easily identified. Considering that most units are designed to be ergonomic, this should not be a primary concern when shopping for these units. As such, here are some other technicalities to look for before investing in gaming mice.

Factors to Consider


Different people hold mice differently. For instance, individuals that prefer holding Gaming mousethe back of the mouse prefer using large and long mice. Besides, others prefer moving the mouse using their fingertips only with the wrist resting. To know or have an idea of which mouse is right for you, you can consider reading online reviews. Look at whether the mouse offers fingertip grips or if it provides adequate grip for the whole hand.


Once you are done with the grip, the mouse’s counts per inch (CPI) or dots per inch (DPI) is the next thing you should look for in a mouse. Ideally, these terms can be used interchangeably depending on the manufacturer since both of them refer to the same thing. As such, they both point or look at the responses of the mouse to different commands. If you are looking for s super fast and sensitive mouse, go for one with a high CPI/DPI rating. A score of more that 1800 is good though some models go as far as having 5700.


Corded mice are popular with traditional gamers that found it too expensive or inconveniencing to replace batteries that discharged fast. However, this has since changed with modern wireless mice that allow the batteries to last significantly long. Moreover, with the Best Mouse For Gaming, you are assured of perfect responsiveness along with better flexibility during play. With a wireless mouse, the cord does not limit you in any way.


graphical image of a woman using a computerThe weight of the mouse chosen depends on the preferences of the user. In other instances, the type of game calls for a particular weight though not always. It is advisable to invest in a gaming mouse with an adjustable weight feature depending on your preferences.

When shopping for a gaming mouse, you will realize that there is nothing like “best gaming mouse.” This is attributed to the different user preferences. As such, you should do your homework to ensure that you have just the right gaming mouse. One way of doing this is through reading reliable gaming mice reviews to avoid making the wrong choice.…

Coffee beans and red alarm clock

Top Rated Semiautomatic Espresso Machines

For the lovers of coffee, having an espresso machine is a must. It allows you to make your coffee much more quickly and efficiently. Many coffee lovers are looking for the top rated semiautomatic espresso machines. Some of the top rated semi-automatic espresso machines are:


1. Rancillio silvia( HSD)

It is undoubtedly one of the best semi-automatic machines. It also has a very friendly coffee beans and a white cupprice tag. Don’t be fooled by its simple, casual looks. It is made with the finest quality materials and will give you exceptional heat stability features. With brass plates, high-quality stainless steels, and proper compliance with the standards fixed by the industry, it is one of the best value for money coffee makers you can buy.

2. Breville BES900XL

Breville is one of the most famous brands when it comes to espresso machines. And they have achieved perfection with this model. It works very quickly and always maintains a constant pressure and temperature. It may be for home purposes, but it can compete with any espresso machines you will find in the restaurants or cafes. If you are looking for a semi-automatic machine, then you should try this out.

3. Gaggia 12300

Gaggia is a very reputable Italian brand, and this is one of the most famous models they have manufactured. Built with high-quality materials, it is very durable and is ideal home purposes. It comes with a chrome plated large filter, that helps to keep the temperature steady while extracting, and gives you excellent results every time. It also comes with a coffee scoop and a fifteen bar pump.

4. De Longhi EC 155

It is one of the best selling espresso machines, thanks to its affordable price tag. This comes with two filter holders, so you can make different types of coffee at once. Some people may prefer an extremely hot cup of coffee while others may prefer a slightly warm cup. You can please different kinds of people at once with the help of this machine. It is also very easy to use, within two days you will get used to it.

5. Breville BES840XL

red cupThis comes with a unique feature, which is known as the Infuser feature. While most of the other espresso machines exert tremendous pressure to quickly extract the flavor from the coffee grinds, it follows a very slow and careful approach. This allows getting the best possible flavor from the coffee grinds. After the extraction, you don’t have to worry about the excess water lying ion it; this machine gets rid of it automatically.…

Big tent for events

Marquee hire – Things to keep in mind

Looking forward to an upcoming celebration? If you are the organizer, and it is going to be an outdoor event, one of the most important things that you need to consider is marquee hire. Whether it is a wedding reception, birthday, summer party, corporate event, or any other occasion, you have a wide variety of tents to choose from.

You can visit the website and get in contact with a company that can provide you with the best packages in Kent.

Marquee hire

blue tentNowadays, marquees are incredibly popular because they can keep you sheltered while hosting an outdoor party. You won’t have to worry about the weather. These large tents can protect you and your guests from the rain or the heat of the sun.

There are many marquee companies that you can turn to. But what are the things that you have to keep in mind? What do you need to avoid? Here are some tips for you.

Set your budget

First and foremost, you have to know your budget. How much money are you willing to spend on a canopy for your party? There are various packages available to suit all budget. Of course, you can already expect that the unique and larger ones would be more expensive than the smaller and standard tents.

Once you have set a budget, it will be easier for you to shop around. The best thing for you to do is to compare as many companies as you can so you will be able to find the best deal.

Consider the venue

Another important factor that you have to pay close attention to is the venue. Since it is an outdoor event, you have a lot of choices. Most of the time, such parties are held down by the beach or even in public gardens. Make sure though that there will be enough space to accommodate all of your guests.

It is crucial that you ask the marquee company if you need a permit to hold the event in the venue of your choice.

Know the cost

big tentLike what was mentioned earlier, there are different packages available for marquee hire. So, you have to know the total cost. Make sure that everything is transparent before you sign any agreement or contract. You have to ask the company if there are any extra cost so you can prepare for it.…

Man stepping in an arrow

12 Week Mastery Program Reviewed

To succeed in any business, there are certain key elements that all of us must concentrate on. It does not matter whether you are the director of a large organization or the owner of a small business. Attaining your goals will not happen without proper planning, motivation and focus. If you want to take your business to the next level, then you should seriously consider the 12-week mastery program.

What It IsBeautiful woman with a lalptop

This training program by Brian P Moran, Tom Beal, and Todd Brown, is to be launched on 22nd June 2016. Based on the ideas of Brian’s bestselling book, todd brown 12 week mastery course promises to teach you to brand new methods and techniques that will enable you to achieve what you would normally achieve in 12 months in just 12 weeks. With the knowledge and skills, you will gain from this course. You will not just take your productivity to the next level, but your income too.

And the best part of this training course is that it gives you exclusive access to four completely free training videos hosted by Brian Moran even before it is officially launched.

What It Entails

In a nutshell, here are some things you will learn from Todd Brown 12 week mastery training program:

  • How to take control of your productivity and time.
  • How to increase your profitability and income level.
  • How to balance the priorities in your life and business.
  • How to reduce your stress levels.
  • Efficient methods to help you overcome fear and procrastination within your business and life.
  • Practical and useful tips to help you reach your full potential in life and achieve more in your business.

What Makes It Different

So, what makes this program different? For starters, every team member behind its launch is a successful business person in his right. Brian Moran, for instance, is the author of New York Times bestselling book, The 12 Week Year. Tom Beal is the creator of Remarkable marketing, while Todd Brown is the Founder of Marketing Funnel Automation.

graphical image of a handTherefore by signing up to this ultimate productivity and goal achievement course, you are guaranteed an enormous wealth of information from renowned business gurus. Getting a chance to interact with them and learn from them will totally transform your life and business.

Secondly, 12-week yearbook from which this system is based has helped millions of people worldwide to grow and expand their businesses. Therefore, there’s no reason why this training course should not change your life as well if you follow what it says. Overall, 12 Week Mastery is an excellent online course aimed at helping you reach your full potential and succeeding in your life and business. It’s highly recommended.…

video game character

Why Playing Online Games Is Beneficial

Online games continue to appeal to lots of people. Nowadays, they continue to become more popular than they were some decades ago. This is attributed to increased internet access and development in graphics and visuals with realistic features. In fact, online gaming is here to stay. Recent studies show that one in every five Internet users visit online gaming sites.

This number is estimated to increase over the years as advanced technological equipment makes its way into this industry. This will make games more realistic. Some people argue that playing online games can be quite harmful. However, it has its benefits too.


Boosting cognitive development and memory

You should note that games that are available online are not exclusive. This means that players have access to a broad range of games. They can also boost your memory and help a person develop cognitive skills.

According to studies, human beings do not use 100%Barbie of their brains. In fact, it is one side that is usually used. Logics, puzzles, trivia, and problem-solving games are meant to improve brain function. This ensures you use all parts of the brain. The internet continues to grow, and this brings about endless sources of games. This makes it quite easy to challenge yourself with exciting and new activities.

Gateway to recovery and health

A lot of people have health issues. Patients recovering from illnesses can find online games helpful in speeding their recovery. Moreover, adults that have kids can use online games to understand their problems and find ways to deal with such issues. Moreover, some entertaining games have an educational purpose. Thus, they are useful deals that foster creativity and understanding. There are several games online that help educate adults and kids online.

Improve social interaction

Some peoHand holding a smart phoneple have social interaction issues or are just too shy to develop friendships with others. You can eliminate this dilemma by playing games online particularly role-playing games. The majority of the games have online communities. This is necessary to ensure players do not feel alone. Therefore, it is possible to foster friendships, which can extend to outside virtual world.

Online games can help one to discover oneself. There is no need to fake yourself to be accepted. The online gaming community accepts all people and does not discriminate against race, age, gender, or education. The above are some of the benefits, which you should know when playing these types of games. There are several sites, which you can enjoy these types of games.…

Hens and a roaster

Tips On How to Feed Your Chickens

If you rear chickens, you obviously know that feeding them is one of the most important things that you have to do. Feeding your chicken can be expensive. You can use plants that will feed your chickens for free to lower the cost of feeding them significantly. Chickens, just like human beings need to eat a variety of foods to get the important nutrients needed to be healthy. When you feed your chicken well, they will be healthy as well as grow big. Here are the different types of foods that you should give your chicken;

Types of foods


There are plenty of foods that can be great sources of carbohydrates for you chicken. Grains are good sources of carbs. Chicken need carbs to be for energy and to grow fat. There many other sources of carbs for chickens other than grains. Roots are a popular choice for many farmers.

Turnips and white potatoes re good examples of carbs that you can give your chickens. Make sure that you give your chickens plenty of carbohydrates every day. There are other sources of carbohydrate that you can buy in your local store.


Chickens love eating insects. This helps them to get the protein they need to grow. However, you should not assume that they are going to get all the protein they need from the insects they stumble on. You have to take steps that will help you ensure that they get the protein they need. Sometimes, there may be no insects around.

You can capture different insects and use them to feed your chickens for proteins. There are many other sources of proteins. Chicken feeds usually contain protein from various sources such as soybean, dead poultry, slaughterhouse waste, etc. You can also feed them earthworms if you can find them.


Plant lHenseaves are great sources of vitamins. Brans and hulls are also great sources of vitamins for chickens. Fish oil is a great source of vitamin D and vitamin A. You can mix fish oil with chicken feed to ensure that your chicken gets these useful vitamins.

Yeast is a great source of vitamin B. There are many other sources of useful vitamins. Some sources of useful vitamins may be mixed with the commercial chicken feed. If possible, you should allow your chicken to access pasture. This reduces the need for adding vitamins to their diet because they get them from the plants.…