What is elo boost
ELO boosting is the another name of MMR Boosting i.e. Match Making Rating. To understand the cheapest elo boost is better, is important to know what is the ELO ranking and the history.
History and ELO Ranking
ELO ranking was made by the Hungarian chess player and it’s named after him i.e. Arpad Elo. It was created to calculate the skills of the players of the game especially those games which involved the single player. The result from ELO ranking was amazing but for the games with the single player, not the multi-players. In fact, it was a complete failure for the games involving multiple teams.
ELO Boosting
To overcome the failure, the ELO ranking was replaced by ELO boosting which was specially designed to solve the problems of the games involving teams and multiple players. With the passage of time, ELO system has improved even more and high ranking can be obtained in the game after it is used.
The exact definition of ELO Boosting is the act where the Booster uses the account of the Booster to play any popular or ranked game. Booster is the player who logs into the account of other and the Booster is the player whose account has been used for logging in and playing the game.
The intention of the booster may not be bad and he might do it for the improvement of ELO ranking, but it is considered as boosting because that ranked game is not played by someone who created that account. The booster may deserve punishment for the act of using someone’s account. When ELO boost is purchased, it results in ordering to have a professional master who can boost up your rank in the League as per your demand.
Is ELO boosting wrong
ELO boosting may be a victimless offend, but it affects the other players in a negative way. It also affects the game.
To Make high ranking in the game, the players put their efforts and hard work. ELO boosting demoralizes the other players and effect their right to be among the top most players of the game.
It also jeopardizes the security of the account of the player. The information each account may have is confidential as sharing the details may make the account vulnerable. The Booster may sale or trade or misuse the account and the information of the Boostie.
Punishment for ELO Boosting
To punish the users of the ELO boosting, different actions may be taken e.g. suspension of the account for a week, dismissal of participating any current season or cancellation of all previous Ranked accounts and permanent ban on the account if it is suspected twice for ELO boosting.…