Tag: walkie-talkie

Walkie-Talkie on its charger

Guide To Buying The Best Walkie-Talkie

The Internet has greatly changed the way we do business. Buyers and sellers from different parts of the world connect with each other and make transactions. Gone are the days when it was a seller’s market. These days buyers are bombarded with so many choices and offer that it becomes very difficult to choose the right one
Walkie talkies are handheld radio devices that help in communication between a transmitter and one or more receivers.

It was initially designed to be used during the Second World War and in recent times have found their place in a lot of fields alike. Police departments, firefighters, airports, railway networks, manufacturing industries, mining fields, hotels, resorts, trekkers, family trips, event management firms, etc.

Choosing the right category

There can be three basic categories when it comes to choosing a Sets of Walkie-Talkiewalkie talkie Recreational/amateur purpose. If you are looking to buy a walkie talkie for fun or use inside your house talking to friends and family, the basic models will do. There is no point spending extra money on features that may not be of use, click here to find the best walkie-talkies.

In this article, you will learn some critical considerations that you need to make before buying one.

Commercial purpose

This is the next higher end and can be put to use in a variety of fields and businesses. They are sturdy, have a longer communication range when compared to the first variety and can work in multiple channels.

Professional ones

These are Walkie-Talkiebest suited for extremely hard conditions and terrains and are tested to work in temperatures from -10
degree to 50 degrees, withstand a fall from a height of 10 meters and adhere to Military standards. They cost more than the first two categories but are 100% reliable for the armed forces and other demanding tasks.

Communication range

Do not get enticed by brands talking about communication ranges of even 12-15 Km. A good walkie talkie like the TaIkPRO from Icon Wireless is good walkie talkie dealers they can offer 3-4 km of clear communication with a power of 7.0 Watt. Most online varieties offer a mere 0.5 Watt device, and this will be of absolutely no use once bought.


Check the type of battery that comes with the device. A good Li-Poly or Li-ion battery is preferable, and any lesser quality will affect the device life.


Every walkie talkie needs to work on a particular bandwidth. Make sure your device is licensed to work in the government approved bandwidth of 350 MHz. TaIkPRO is a good example of this Most devices work on free bandwidth offering the very poor signal range or works on the prohibited 400MHz, which is illegal.…